Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Set Up RESTClient for SSL Connections

The RESTClient 2.3.3 is a GUI application written in Java that helps with the testing of HTTP RESTful services.

Installation of RESTClient


Prior to installing RESTClient, you should have the latest version of Java 6 JRE (or Java 7) installed on your computer. I recommend to install the java 6 JRE on the following folder "c:\java\jre6" (Windows) or "${HOME}/java/jre6" (UNIX). Ensure you have the latest version of java installed by running the following
comand from the system prompt. In my case, I verified below that my PC has a current version of Java 6 by entering the following command in my cygwin (Linux-Like) shell:

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_30"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_30-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.5-b03, mixed mode)

Installing RESTClient

In order to use the RESTClient GUI application you should first download the file "restclient-ui-2.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar" from the following page. I recommend you place the restclient jar file in a folder named "java\restclient" (Windows) or "java/restclient" (UNIX). For instance, "C:\java\restclient" (PC) or "${HOME}/java/restclient" (UNIX).

Once you have the above jar file downloaded and saved in the above directory, you can run the RESTClient GUI by going into that folder, and running the command "java -jar restclient-ui-2.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar". For example, in my PC windows cygwin (Linux-like) shell, I run the following commands:

$ cd c:/java/restclient

$ pwd; ls -l
total 8736
-rwx------+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 8944764 Jan 13 17:29 restclient-ui-2.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar

$ java -jar restclient-ui-2.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Importing SSL Certificate into a Local Keystore

Prior to being able to establish an SSL connection to your HTTP server from RESTClient, you must first have the server certificate exported from your browser to a local folder in your PC. Then, you need to import that certificate to a local SSL store file. After that, you will point the RESTClient to that SSL store file in order to be able to establish an SSL connection.

In the steps below, I am explaining how I exported and imported the server public certificate using Firefox version 3.6.3. I have only tested this procedure from Firefox.

Exporting an SSL certificate file from FireFox

First, you should hit the application server using an HTTPS scheme to upload and save the certificate in the browser. If your certificate was not generated from an authenticated SSL source (, for example), you will see a window with a message about "This Connection is Untrusted.... blah, blah, blah...." Simply select "I Understand the Risks", and "Confirm Security Exception".

Now, at the browser navigation bar (where you type the URL), you should see the left of the URL a little icon to indicate the SSL connection for that URL. Click on that icon to open up a window that contains information about that SSL certificate. Click on the "More Information ..." button to open up a window with a few tabs at the top. You should now be at the "Security" tab. Click on the "View Certificate" button to open up a window that contains your certificate information. Click on that window "Details" tab. After that, click on "Export...", and save that file to a temporary folder in your computer (e.g., "C:\tmp" or "/tmp"). Keep the Save as type "X.509 Certificate (PEM)" selected, and name the file however you like. For example, I named mine as "restclient", and Firefox automatically appended the extension "crt" to the filename.

That is it for exporting the SSL certificate to a local file. Now, the next step is to import the SSL certificate in that file to a local java keystore that will be used by the RESTClient application.

Importing PEM Firefox certificate into Java Keystore

In order to import the PEM certificate exported earlier into a keystore, you will need to have access to the java "keytool.exe" command from your system prompt. You will need to specify a "keystore" filename that you will later configure on the RESTClient application. The steps below illustrates the commands that I had to do on my cygwin (Linux-Like) shell to import this PEM certificate to a local java keystore.

$ pwd
rugomes@rugomes-WS /cygdrive/c/tmp

$ ls -l restclient.crt
-rwx------+ 1 Administrators Domain Users 1336 Jan 25 18:15 restclient.crt

Now, type the command below to import the SSL certificate into a keystore called "c:/java/". Notice that I am using cygwin (Linux-Like) shell, and the folders are separated by "/". If you use the Windows command shell, you would name that keystore as "C:\java\" instead.

When prompted for the keystore password, simply type changeit.

$ keytool -noprompt -import -keystore "c:/java/" -alias restclient -file restclient.crt
Enter keystore password: changeit
Re-enter new password: changeit
Certificate was added to keystore

To verify that your certificate was properly added to the above keystore (e.g., "C:\java\"), type the following command. In my case, I am typing the following command from my cygwin (Linux-Like) shell. When prompted for the password, enter the same password typed previously "changeit".

The information about the certificate just imported should be displayed on your computer. I am not showing that entire screen here for security reasons (that is, I don't want to reveal the details of my certificate).

$ keytool -list -v -keystore "c:/java/"
Enter keystore password: changeit
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Alias name: restclient
Creation date: Jan 25, 2012
Entry type: trustedCertEntry
Owner: ...
Issuer: ...
Serial number: ...
Valid from: Fri Jan 20 17:00:01 EST 2012 until: Mon Jan 17 17:00:01 EST 2022
Certificate fingerprints:
blah, blah, blah...

Configuring the SSL store on RESTClient

Now that we have the above certificate store created with the proper certificate, we can go to the step of configuring that store on the RESTClient GUI. For this step, you need to run the RESTClient GUI application, and go to the SSL tab window. Here is how I ran the RESTClient GUI from my Cygwin Linux-Like shell:

$ cd c:
rugomes@rugomes-WS /cygdrive/c
$ cd java/restclient
rugomes@rugomes-WS /cygdrive/c/java/restclient
$ java -jar restclient-ui-2.3.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Once the RESTClient GUI window shows up, select the "SSL tab". Then click the little button to the right of the "Trust store file: " prompt, and navigate thru the windows to select the above certificate keystore filename (e.g. C:\java\

Under the "Trust store password:", type the password "changeit" that was used during the above step when you created the keystore and imported the certificate into it. Then, you may want to select "Strict" for the Hostname verifier. Here is what each option under "Hostanem verifier" means:

ALLOW_ALL: The URL requested doesn't need to match the URL in the Certificate.
STRICT: The URL requested needs to match the URL in the Certificate.
BROWSER_COMPATIBLE: The URL requested must be in the same domain

Now, enter the https URL to the URL prompt under the same SSL tab window, and you should see the response from your HTTP/SSL connection. For example, in my case, I entered a URL similar to the following in the URL prompt of the RESTClient GUI:


Please, note that you may need to configure other headers as required by your HTTP RESTful Web Service. For example, in my case I also had to configure Auth Type BASIC, and enter a Username and Password in the Auth tab window.

Happy SSL REST testing :)



Jochen said...

Hello Ruben,
i really like RESTClient for testing HTTPS-connections and found your post about creating keystores very helpful.
For a project i need to test a connection which requires that i provide a client certificate. How is this to be done in RESTClient?


Rubens Gomes said...

A client certificate is part of the underlying HTTP/SSL protocol. And it would need to be stored at the client keystore that can be accessed by the RESTClient application. I am adding further information about that in the Blog.